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Meat Standards Australia
Meat Standards Australia (MSA) was developed by the Australian red meat industry to improve the eating quality consistency of beef and sheepmeat. The system is based on almost 1.7 million consumer taste tests by more than 250,000 consumers from 13 countries, and takes into account all factors that affect eating quality from the paddock to plate.
MLA supports MSA program participants through creating opportunities for businesses to adopt eating quality principles.
USDA tick of approval
MSA is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Process Verified Program (PVP), enabling MSA-licensed brand owners to display the USDA shield on MSA-certified beef and lamb products in America (subject to strict terms and conditions). To enquire about becoming an MSA-licensed brand or using the USDA shield, contact
To learn more about the program:
Phone: 1800 111 672
Eating quality updates
MSA Excellence in Eating Quality Awards 2021–23
Beef producers who consistently deliver superior eating quality beef are recognised at the MSA Excellence in Eating Quality series.
2023 Australian Beef Eating Quality Insights
The results of MSA grading for over 6.64 million cattle processed during 2021–23 were analysed to understand the trends and drivers of eating quality.
MSA Annual Outcomes Report 2022-23
In 2022–23, the average MSA Index for MSA compliant carcases was 57.52, an increase of 0.15 from the national average MSA Index of 57.37 in 2021–22.
World-first development in eating quality for the Australian lamb industry
Lamb processors and brand owners in Australia will be able to benchmark their product and ensure it meets their customer needs following commercial accreditation of the MEQ probe.
Lamb lean meat yield manual
Lean meat yield (LMY%) is an important profit driver for the lamb meat supply chain, however, increasing LMY% can reduce meat eating quality.