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MSA Standards

It is a requirement of a Meat Standards Australia (MSA) licensee to have the appropriate current MSA Standards Manual and have in place a system for controlling updates.

MSA Quality Policy

The current MSA Standards can be found below:

General Standards

MSA Standards Foreword and introduction - outlines the relevant Standards Manual for each participant category.

MSA Standards for Licence and trademark - outlines how to identify which MSA Licence category to apply for that suits your business and use of the MSA Trade Mark.

Schedule of Fees - outlines the MSA Standards for payment of fees and processor licence fees

MSA Standards for compliance and audit requirements - outlines how the audit guidelines for MSA licensees

MLA Privacy Policy

Livestock supply

MSA Standards Manual for livestock supply - outlines the requirements for supplying eligible MSA cattle and sheep.


MSA Standards Manual for saleyards - outlines requirements for supplying eligible MSA cattle and sheep using a saleyard pathway.


These Standards outline Quality Management Systems responsibilities of MSA-licensed beef and/or sheep processors.

MSA Standards Manual for Processing Enterprises and Beef Grading

Wholesalers, retailers and food service outlets

The Standards outlines the responsibilities of an MSA Licensed end user (retail, wholesaler, supermarkets & foodservice).

MSA Standards Manual for MSA licensed end users

Brand owners

MSA Standards Manual for brand owners

Independent Boning Rooms

MSA Standards Manual for Independent Boning Rooms

Amendment notices