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Useful marketing resources and sites
Marketing consultants
If you are looking for help with marketing your brand, click here for a list of marketing consultants for your consideration.
Austrade is providing export advice and market insights online to give more Australian businesses access to export knowledge and expertise. You can find insights on top-performing markets, laws and regulations specific to your food or agriculture product with these services.
A suite of resources focused on the options for Australian producers to build provenance and improve storytelling to interact with consumers.
- Consumer trends
- A guide to how and where to tell your stories
- Producer templates to construct stories
Tools and tips on how to export
- Upcoming events/workshops
- Webinars
- Protecting your IP : Five steps to protecting your IP when exporting
- Trade Mark Assist: learn, search, apply
(Source: Department of Industry, Innovation & Science)
Export Council of Australia
Financial support and export credit
FIAL (Food Innovation Australia Limited)
FIAL provides a range of services to the agribusiness industry.
- Create connections, share knowledge and build capability
- Access food and agribusiness market research and insights
Marketing related tools and training
- AMI - Australian Marketing Institute
- Sign up to the Australian Food Catalogue (a free tool to showcase your export-ready products)
Understanding export markets
- How to export
- Austrade’s strategy and planning guide
- Free ebook : ‘Developing your export strategy’
- Export Market Development Grants
- Country briefs
- Doing business in China
(Source: Austrade)
Tools and tips on how to set up your business
Source: Department of Industry, Innovation & Science)
Design led thinking
Watch a series of animated videos on the design led thinking approach to business
- From Business Idea to Business Model
- Visualising your Business Model
- Prototyping
- Navigating your environment
- Proving it
- Telling your story
(Source: Strategyzer)