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MLA Producer Demonstration Sites – what you need to know – free webinar

05 Oct 2016 12:30PM - 05 Oct 2016 03:00PM

Sheep Sheep
Goat Goat

Location: Webinar

Cost: Free

Are you thinking of submitting a funding application to MLA’s Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) program open call?

The PDS program aims to increase the rate of adoption of key management practices and technologies that improve business profitability and productivity, by shortening the time lag between technological innovation and adoption of practices by producers. PDSs enable groups of producers to demonstrate, develop and adopt MLA research findings and technologies that have a positive influence on business performance.

To give yourself the best chance of getting your application approved, join us for a short webinar where program coordinator Russell Pattinson and MLA project managers will provide tips and suggestions for how to ensure your application as compelling as possible. The webinar will provide: - An overview of the application process and dates to note - Walk through an example of a well-structured PDS application - Talk through common mistakes/what not to do - Give an overview of what activities are and aren’t eligible for funding - Provide some examples of effective communication and monitoring and evaluation plans

This webinar is a must see for potential PDS coordinators and interested producer groups and will be recorded and uploaded to the MLA website for easy reference.

For more information on the PDS program click here:

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