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MeatUp Forum | Cunnamulla, Queensland

06 Sep 2023 | 08:30 AM
1 day
MLA Member ($25)
Non-MLA Member ($50)
Non-MLA Member ($50)
The upcoming MeatUp Forum in Cunnamulla is a one day forum for goat, sheep and beef producers to hear from industry representatives and leading producers, and to network with local producers. The event will feature:
- Market insights and adoption program highlights from Sally Leigo, MLA Program Manager – Adoption
- Setting the scene with Ian McLean from Bush Agribusiness who will discuss the key considerations for enterprise selection in rangeland businesses
- A virtual farm tour of ‘Yaralla’ with local producers, Ben and Andrea McKenzie of BAM Pastoral, Cunnamulla
- An introduction to the Australian Feedbase Monitor including a live demonstration by Jess Paton, CiboLabs
- Key findings from the recent Producer Demonstration Site exploring the adoption of objective management technologies in rangeland sheep systems, including the commercial use of eID in rangeland environments from Anthony Shepherd, Sheepmatters,
- How to improve tactical decision making to manage rangeland pastures from Tanisha Shields, Agrista
- Insights into parasite control in southwest Queensland, including an overview of Paraboss from Matt Playford, Dawbuts
- The next step hub featuring a variety of resources, tools, industry representatives and additional information to help you take the next step in your livestock business.
Cunnamulla, QLD
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