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Grazing impacts on cover, water, sediment and nutrient loss in the Upper Burdekin catchment (2006/07)

Project start date: 01 January 2005
Project end date: 01 November 2007
Publication date: 01 November 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
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To provide specific information on the expression of Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) sire information, in combination with Hormone Growth Promotants (HGPs), in a north Queensland beef production system targeting the grassfed Jap ox market. The impact of these strategies on progeny growth, carcass traits, carcass compliance and profitability will be assessed. Description It has been established that improved growth performance in cattle can be achieved using high growth EBV sires. Growth performance can also be enhanced through the use of HGPs. However, there is limited information on the effect of combining these strategies, particularly in this northern environment. To maximise profitability in this northern environment, cattle are required to meet a target weight as early as possible to avoid carrying them through an extra dry season. Therefore, there is a need to determine:

if these strategies when used concurrently will enhance growth response and by how much;

how these growth responses translate to carcass traits;

if these strategies will result in a greater proportion of animals meeting market specifications; and

the overall impact of these strategies on profitability.

There was interest by beef producers in a value-based marketing system, in particular a system focussed on Retail Beef Yield percent (RBY%). Therefore, RBY% information was collected on these animals to assess the impact of these strategies on this trait.

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Project manager: Cameron Allan
Primary researcher: CSIRO