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RPGOT online tutorial resource

Project start date: 25 January 2014
Project end date: 23 May 2014
Publication date: 23 May 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


A 2013 study into usability issues and user satisfaction around the MLA online tools (on-farm focus) revealed several issues in relation to the RPGOT, including a lack of help resources and online support for users to fully understand the presentation of complex graphs and statistical information.
To improve this situation and offer more support to producers using the tool, MLA contracted  ABARES to update the Rainfall to Pasture Growth Outlook Tool (RPGOT) user-guide and develop an online audio-visual presentation (broken down into four modules) to better communicate the concept, benefits, and best use of the RPGOT to users.
The project includes:
1. Using the MLA Rainfall to Pasture Growth Outlook Tool: Tips and Tools  Feedbase and Pastures (user guide document)
2. Develop an audio-visual tutorial, broken up into 4 modules
3. Collate user feedback and refine the modules as necessary and appropriate
4. Provide final report to client to MLA including key learnings of project and recommendations for future  opportunities around the    RPGOT