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Stocking Rate calculator upgrade

Project start date: 16 December 2013
Project end date: 25 April 2014
Publication date: 25 April 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


A 2013 study into usability issues and user satisfaction around the MLA online tools (on-farm focus ) revealed several issues in relation to the Stocking Rate calculator:    
 The stock classes for both cattle and sheep are too limited:
Results all assume a pasture energy density of 10MJME kg/DM. This is too generic and does not allow for adjustment to achieve more accurate results.
User cannot be expected to know pasture growth rates. Pre-population of the data based on the user's location, pasture type and time of the year would avoid user error and therefore achieve more accurate results.
Users want to be able to use the tool the other way round, too (assuming a fixed mob size, then calculating how many days they can graze a given paddock. At the moment, the tool only calculates how many animals can graze a given paddock for a specified amount of time).
This contract provided background information that enables an expansion of the functionality of the current MLA Stocking Rate calculator to increase benefits for producers, including:
More stock classes for cattle and sheep
Data for two additional pasture energy density scenarios
Pasture growth averages for northern locations
Formula to calculate number of days a producer-specified number of animals can graze in a paddock