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Pasture Trial Network - Pasture Variety Testing

Project start date: 15 February 2012
Project end date: 14 June 2015
Publication date: 14 June 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle


The Pasture Variety Trial Network (PTVN) was established through the MLA Feedbase Investment Program.  It was initiated in response to requests from stakeholders, particularly producers, for coordinated pasture cultivar evaluation.
The PVTN program is based on the collection and collation of data over a three year period (2013-2015) from a series of independent trials established and managed by MLA and data generated from various seed company trials which are registered with the PVTN program.
From 2011, Meat & Livestock Australia initiated the Pasture Variety Trial Network (PVTN) project to deliver to producers independent information about the performance of different pasture varieties when grown in temperate regions across Australia.
Six trial sites were established across south-eastern Australia at Temora and Blayney in NSW; Benalla, Casterton and Bairnsdale in Victoria and Cressy in Tasmania. Each independently-managed site was run for at least three years, and more than 100 varieties of the key pasture species used by the red meat industry (i.e. phalaris, cocksfoot, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, sub-clover and lucerne) have been evaluated.
Data from each trial site has been analysed by this project and presented on the Pasture trial network web site to indicate seasonal dry matter (DM) production in groups not statistically different within any given season.
This report overviews the activity conducted at South West Victoria (PBE.0015);  Eastern Victoria (B.PBE.0016) and  Southern NSW site (PBE.0018)
Performance data available from the web site includes DM yields (total and seasonal) and a measure of persistence after three years.
A site description of the  South West Victoria (PBE.0015);  Eastern Victoria (B.PBE.0016) and  Southern NSW sites (PBE.0018), analysed site results are presented on the PTN web site - located at
Trials were established evaluating Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Phalaris, Cocksfoot, and Lucerne.  Two trials, Lucerne and Phalaris, required re-sowing.  Data was submitted for up to three years as required, and the trials were conducted in accord with the PVTN trial protocols.  Data was submitted for inclusion in the national database, and the development of a web based decision support tool for cultivar selection.
Key outcomes from the trial are, firstly, the continuation of the PVTN concept through the new Pasture Trial Network (PTN) being managed by the Australian Seeds Federation (ASF), and, secondly the coordinated release of the data generated to producers through the development of the web based decision support tool.   The PTN has been established with support of ASF members, with seed companies being investor's in future independent trials.
Producers (and advisors) will continually have access to cultivar performance information via the web based tool, and the continuation of cultivar testing through the PTN.  This information can be used as part of the pasture re-sowing decision making process, and will ensure that producers can select superior pasture cultivars and therefore capture the value of superior pasture genetics currently available.

Recommendations were made towards improving conduct of trials, increasing exposure trials to producers and advisors.

Linked trials also presented on  the PTN web site were from Central NSW, Northern Victoria and Tasmania. 
Linked trial  projects were PBE.0017, PBE.0019, PBE.0020.
Statistical analysis was  reported in PBE.0023.
PTN web site - located at