Get involved with MLA research and extension projects in 2025
23 January 2025

MLA is currently searching for service providers to undertake a range of projects and consultative positions. Check out what’s on offer this year and how you can get involved.
With over 20 requests for tender across multiple programs available on the MLA current tenders page, service providers have their pick of projects to apply for based on their speciality.
Two of the current tenders include:
- undertaking a feasibility study of a livestock advisor cooperative model
- developing and delivering a livestock advisor capability program.
The feasibility study of a livestock advisor cooperative model request for tender is calling for an investigation into the development of a model to support and aid emerging livestock advisors to build their expertise, networks and client base, while accessing support for business administration, marketing, mentoring and professional development. This request for tender is open until 3 February 2025.
The development and delivery of a livestock advisor capability program request for tender is seeking innovative models for training programs aimed at early-career livestock advisors across the red meat industry. MLA hopes this program will help fill the gap in capability and capacity building across Australian agricultural zones that is limiting the successful delivery of extension programs to livestock producers. This request for tender is open until 13 March 2025.
Expressions of Interest are currently open to sit on the National Livestock Genetic Consortium for processor, northern beef producer and merino producer representatives. These Expressions of Interest are open until 11 February 2025.
View the MLA current tenders page to find out how you can work with MLA in 2025.