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Planning and development of RELRP 2 bid

Project start date: 30 September 2011
Project end date: 04 October 2012
Publication date: 04 October 2012
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


The federal government declared its intention to offer for tender significant research funds under the Clean Energy Futures Initiative. Within the Land Sector of this initiative there was an initiative titled Filling the Research Gap with an announced spent of $201 million over 6 years starting 2011-12. MLA therefore led the development of a bid on behalf of a number of research institutions and Rural Development Corporations. To put this program in place required considerable negotiation with 9 research partners across 16 projects to create a coordinated program of work. This contract employed a coordinator to assist with contracting, work plans within projects and partner meetings.