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CMA - General operating for the National Livestock Methane Program

Project start date: 28 September 2012
Project end date: 24 August 2015
Publication date: 24 August 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


​To ensure that the National Livestock Methane Program (NLMP) is managed effectively an allocation of money has been made to general operating. This funding stream is 100% DAFF and was approved by DAFF in the MLA submission to coordinate the national program. The operating budget is to cover legal expenses for drawing up contracts or legal advice, external contracting costs, costs associated with printed matter, office materials, communications materials, stationary, postage and other sundries.  The funding stream is also a contingency to support expenditure (not travel associated) for technical meetings, Investor Advisory Group and updates to government and industry.