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ISC Communications and adoption support FY 20/21

Did you know ISC conducts a range of communications and adoption activities as part of the ISC communications, stakeholder engagement and adoption strategy.

Project start date: 30 June 2020
Project end date: 29 June 2021
Publication date: 04 April 2022
Project status: Completed


This project supported the delivery of a range of ISC communications and adoption activities as part of the ongoing implementation of the ISC communications, stakeholder engagement and adoption strategy.
Key items include:
1. Development (design and production) of a range of ISC branded publications and promotional material for use at events, include Beef Australia.
2. Development (design and production) of ISC branded publications and promotional material and other expenses to support ISC projects, including the ‘Livestock Marketing Campaign’ and ‘Stand by what you sell’
3. Development (design and production) of a range of digital material including filming and video production, animation and illustration services and graphic design
4. Funding to cover ISC sponsorship of appropriate industry events/activities
5. Funding to cover ISC advertising to support the NVD changes campaign
6. Strategic communication and adoption advice, project management, research and surveys as part of the MER framework and other additional support.


This project aimed to support the delivery of a range of ISC communications and adoption activities as part of the ongoing implementation of the ISC communications, stakeholder engagement and adoption strategy.

Benefits to industry

This project facilitated the development of a range of important products to build awareness of ISC, the integrity system as a whole and the range of integrity programs, including LPA, NLIS, eNVD and changes to NVDs.

MLA action

ISC will continue to execute its communications, stakeholder engagement and adoption strategy into the future.