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MDC Publications

MDC Strategic Business Plan

MDC Strategic Business Plan 2017-18_single_pages.jpgMDC's Strategic Business Plan provides a broad overview of the direction that MDC investments are anticipated to take over the next four years, aimed at accelerating and extending the achievement of the MLA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and the Meat Industry Strategic Plan 2020. The MDC plan also outlines areas of MDC investment for the relevant financial year.

This MDC Strategic Business Plan will be prepared each financial year to progressively show annual MDC investments over the 2016-20 plan period.

MDC Reporting

MDC-outcomes-report.JPGMDC’s Reporting provides details on MDC’s activities for the relevant financial year.

Accelerating innovation in the red meat industry

Accelerating innovation-1.jpgFind out how MDC creates new innovations across the red meat value chain.

View MDC Accelerating Innovation brochure