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Goats hub

MLA's Goat Productivity program provides services and best practice information to help Australian producers secure a future as innovative, profitable and resilient world leaders in goat production.

The program delivers a range of resources, tools, and engagement opportunities for goat producers to equip them with knowledge to improve their businesses.

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Market information

The number of goats supplied for processing from each NLIS region in the 2021–22 financial year (Data Source: ISC)

Fast facts:

  • In 2023, Australian goatmeat exports represented 44% of the global export market value at A$237.5 million, with an estimated 2.36 million head slaughtered.
  • Over 90% of Australian goatmeat is exported, with key markets including the United States and Korea.
  • Goatmeat has no religious restrictions and is a popular protein across a range of cultures, demonstrating growth potential in domestic and international markets.

For market information customised to your operation, visit:


Industry Structures

The Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA)

GICA is designated as a Commodity Council of the Federation by Federal Government. Under its charter as a Commodity Council, GICA is specifically designated as the organisation that develops collective goat industry policy, across all breeds. GICA works with Government, industry bodies, producers and other peak industry councils to this end.

More Information: Goat Industry Council of Australia

Goat Industry Research, Development and Adoption Committee (GIRDAC)

GIRDAC is an advisory group which provides recommendations on where goat levy funds are invested in research and development (R&D) and extension and adoption (E&A) initiatives for the Australian goatmeat and livestock industry. GIRDAC convenes to review RD&A funding proposals, progress of existing projects and results of concluding projects.

It operates independently to the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) as an MLA appointed and funded committee. GIRDAC operates with a national focus and comprises commercial goat producers along with value chain, service providers and subject matter expert representatives as required.

Going into goats guide

This information package includes 12 free, downloadable modules that explain the essential processes for a successful goat production system. This applies to goat production as a standalone enterprise or as one that complements other production systems.

The guide draws on the knowledge, skills and experience of more than 40 goat producers from across Australia and provides tools and information to help goat producers increase productivity while minimising risk.



Workshops and training

EDGE network workshops

EDGE network workshops

One-to-three-day workshops offering practical learning opportunities on business, breeding, nutrition and grazing management skills.

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Profitable Grazing Systems

Profitable Grazing Systems

This takes small groups of like-minded producers who want to improve their whole-farm performance and matches them with coaches who share their knowledge, skills and experience.

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Producer Demonstration Sites

Producer Demonstration Sites

This program allows producers to implement proven research and technologies in their own commercial operations with a group of like-minded peers.

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